Below you will find real situations from individuals and small business owners who came to us with tax problems and the things we did to ultimately get them a final solution.
Our process uses a 3-phase approach where first the tax team does an investigation. Next, tax returns are prepared if needed. Sometimes this is for returns that were not filed and sometimes it is for corrections. Finally, the resolution is implemented as needed.
Future results will vary and past results are no guarantee of future results. Each case will vary. These examples are here to demonstrate that the tax team doing work for you is the top in their field.
More examples are being added as there are many cases to review and include.
Click on the link below to read more information about the specific case. Names have been removed to protect client privacy.
SITUATION: An elderly man facing severe illness, came to us with an overwhelming IRS tax debt of $397,610. He was under aggressive collection actions, with the IRS threatening to levy his bank accounts…
SITUATION: A client came to us with a manageable IRS tax debt of $21,000. He was proactive about resolving his debt and sought an affordable monthly payment plan…
SITUATION: A client was facing significant issues with the IRS due to a defaulted installment agreement. The client owed $21,087 for multiple tax years and was at risk of impending collection actions…
SITUATION: Someone from New York reached out to us, burdened with an overwhelming IRS debt of $89,000. She was facing significant financial hardship and was unsure how to resolve her tax issues…
SITUATION: A client from Florida was facing a significant IRS debt of $15,000. The client’s financial situation made it challenging to make regular payments, and there was a risk of aggressive collection actions from the IRS…
SITUATION: A business in Florida, was facing a substantial debt of $186,000. Given the significant amount owed and the financial difficulties the business was experiencing, we needed to find a solution…
SITUATION: A couple reached out to us with an IRS balance of $23,656 accumulated over several years. They had not filed several tax returns and were unsure how to address the mounting debt…
SITUATION: A couple called our office with a very stressful situation – the IRS had issued a notice of Intent to Levy and had placed a lien on their property. The husband was a 25% shareholder in a small business…
SITUATION: A taxpayer contacted us to seek help with his IRS tax debt of approximately $83K Unfortunately, he is on a fixed income and had health issues that were not allowing him to pay back on his tax debt owed and was unsure of his options…
SITUATION: An elderly married couple contacted us with a tax debt of around $17K. They were very scared of the collection notices they were receiving and didn’t know how to deal with this situation…